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02 - CSV output to API

If your script or command outputs CSV data, you can simply set the parse option to csv to convert it instantly into an API.

Supply your required run command to target your CSV file or script that generates CSV data.

View all the available command options here.

Prepare sample data

  1. Ready an existing CSV file or script that outputs CSV, else save an example CSV file eg.
Hero Name,First Name,Last Name,Favorite Weapon,Vehicle,Country of Origin
Superman,Clark,Kent, ,Supermobile,United States
Wonder Woman,Diana,Prince,Lasso of Truth,Invisible Jet,Themyscira
Spider-Man,Peter,Parker,Web-shooters, ,United States
Batman,Bruce,Wayne,Batarangs,Batmobile,United States
Captain America,Steve,Rogers,Shield, ,United States
Iron Man,Tony,Stark,Repulsor Beams, ,United States
Black Widow,Natasha,Romanoff,Pistols, ,Russia
Thor,Thor,Odinson,Mjolnir, ,Asgard
The Flash,Barry,Allen,Speed Force, ,United States
Aquaman,Arthur,Curry,Trident, ,Atlantis

Review configuration

  1. Set the interface name and/or http route on how you want to access the output
  2. Specify the command you'd like to run
  3. Set the parse option to csv
  4. Place the configuration into your configs directory
  5. Stop/Start the binary
./airpipe --api-key enter-your-api-key --config-dir configs/
name: csv-cat-to-api
description: run cat command to read csv file

output: http # as we have not specified a method it will default to a GET route

- name: RunCommand
run: cat heroes.csv # this can be any command or script that outputs csv
data_type: csv # this will ensure it attempts to process the data as csv


As we've specified http we can just run this in our browser or a perform a simple curl

HTTP Response

"data": {
"RunCommand": {
"data": [
"Country of Origin": "United States",
"Favorite Weapon": " ",
"First Name": "Clark",
"Hero Name": "Superman",
"Last Name": "Kent",
"Vehicle": "Supermobile"
"Country of Origin": "Themyscira",
"Favorite Weapon": "Lasso of Truth",
"First Name": "Diana",
"Hero Name": "Wonder Woman",
"Last Name": "Prince",
"Vehicle": "Invisible Jet"
"Country of Origin": "United States",
"Favorite Weapon": "Web-shooters",
"First Name": "Peter",
"Hero Name": "Spider-Man",
"Last Name": "Parker",
"Vehicle": " "
"Country of Origin": "United States",
"Favorite Weapon": "Batarangs",
"First Name": "Bruce",
"Hero Name": "Batman",
"Last Name": "Wayne",
"Vehicle": "Batmobile"
"Country of Origin": "United States",
"Favorite Weapon": "Shield",
"First Name": "Steve",
"Hero Name": "Captain America",
"Last Name": "Rogers",
"Vehicle": " "
"Country of Origin": "United States",
"Favorite Weapon": "Repulsor Beams",
"First Name": "Tony",
"Hero Name": "Iron Man",
"Last Name": "Stark",
"Vehicle": " "
"Country of Origin": "Russia",
"Favorite Weapon": "Pistols",
"First Name": "Natasha",
"Hero Name": "Black Widow",
"Last Name": "Romanoff",
"Vehicle": " "
"Country of Origin": "Asgard",
"Favorite Weapon": "Mjolnir",
"First Name": "Thor",
"Hero Name": "Thor",
"Last Name": "Odinson",
"Vehicle": " "
"Country of Origin": "United States",
"Favorite Weapon": "Speed Force",
"First Name": "Barry",
"Hero Name": "The Flash",
"Last Name": "Allen",
"Vehicle": " "
"Country of Origin": "Atlantis",
"Favorite Weapon": "Trident",
"First Name": "Arthur",
"Hero Name": "Aquaman",
"Last Name": "Curry",
"Vehicle": " "
"": 1