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The command input enables you to execute terminal commands.

  • curl
  • execute cli tools
    • terraform apply
    • package updates
  • execute scripts
  • linux commands
    • df
    • ps


timeoutstringspecify the command timeout
namestringname of the command
shellstringbash, powershell, sh
runstringthe command to run
parsearrayparsing the output of a command accepts a range of options
parse_stderrarrayparsing the output to stderr

Parse Options

data_typeDataTypethe datatype returned i.e. json, csv
delimiterstringused for csv
split_startstringspecifys where to start the split
split_endstringspecifys where to end the split
split_bystringsplit the output by symbol ( : , ; )
split_whitespacebooleansplits the output by whitespaces
line_startintspecifys the line to start
line_endintspecifys the line to end
keysarrayspecify the keys to capture
matchesregexregex pattern to match the output
ignore_outputbooleanremove output from console
Linux df
Linux curl

To see a list of examples with all the options check out the examples